
TweetCoding: Display tweets embedded in coding form for analysis

TweetCoding is a tool for simple coding of tweets. It displays 5 tweets per page using Twitter’s tweet embedding to display each tweet as it looks on the Twitter website on a local web page. It needs internet access to get the tweets from Twitter, but all coding data is stored on your computer, not the internet. Tweet Coding Screen The page has form elements for coding each tweet as yes/no/not coded and a comment field for notes.

PhD Completed

It is my pleasure to advise you that on 18 April 2016 the relevant Delegated Authority of the ANU Colleges of Science confirmed the approval of the award of your degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Congratulations on this significant achievement. My thesis is available in the ANU Open access thesis collection:

Twitter Data Collection tools released

I have released the Java programs that I’ve been using to collect data from Twitter for my PhD since November 2009. It is suite of programs that use the Twitter Search API and Twitter Stream API to get tweets and then store them in a mySQL database. They have been tested on Mac OS X and Debian Linux. The Java source is split into 9 Eclipse projects using Maven to bring in the external library dependencies.